Microbiome Services from Zymo Research

Over the past several years, Zymo Research has devoted tremendous efforts to improving the accuracy of microbiome measurements. With all these innovations, Zymo has established the most accurate microbiome sequencing services for both academic research and industry partners.

Whether you need 16S/ITS Sequencing, Metagenomic Shotgun Sequencing, Metranscriptomic Sequencing, or a custom sequencing solution, the microbiome analysis service team from Zymo can take you from any stage of your project to a comprehensive microbiome report featuring publication-ready data.

16S/ITS Amplicon Sequencing

Simple, fast & Cost-effective

With Targeted Sequencing Zymo offers ITS2, 18S and 16S. Customers can choose one or more regions within 16s. If species-level resolution is sufficient for them and they are interested in the microbial composition in the samples, Targeted Sequencing is the more affordable option.

(A sample report of the Targeted Sequencing Service is available at the following link.)

Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing

Accurate, Robust & comprehensive

Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing (whole genome sequencing) offers strain-level resolution, multiple-kingdom identification (besides bacteria, also viruses, fungi, and protists), and functional gene profiling. The final bioinformatics report will include antibiotic resistance, virulence factors, functional pathway profiling, and taxonomy information such as composition bar charts and beta-diversity analysis.

(A sample report of the Shotgun Service is available at the following link.)

Microbiome Brochure

More information about the Microbiome sequence services that Zymo offers, can be found in the Microbome brochure.

16S Sequencing vs Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing

On the website of Zymo Research you can find an article with a great overview of the advantages and disadvantages of 16S sequencing and shotgun metagenomics sequencing.

The Microbiome Service laboratory

The Microbiome Service laboratory from Zymo Research achieved repeatedly a perfect score in all requested categories within the INSTAND (Society for the Promotion of Quality AssuranceĀ in medical laboratories e.V.) interlaboratory comparison study, resulting in an overall score of 100%.

Each participating laboratory was provided with 4 samples, consisting of 1x mock microbial community and 3x stool samples. These samples were subjected to analysis using Zymo Research's 16SĀ Amplicon Sequencing Workflow, targeting V3-V4, and the resulting bacterial profile was successfully obtained.