Custom Lentivirus production service

Do you have lentiviral gene delivery needs?
Our supplier OriGene offers lentiviral plasmids and lentiviral particles including Lenti-ORF, Lenti-shRNA and Lenti-CRISPR vectors. They also offering custom lentiviral cloning into 35 lenti vectors including Tet-on Inducible vector and lentivirus production services including high titer 10^7-10^10 TU/ml and large scale production for in vitro cell cultures or in-vivo animal studies.

Advantages of custom lentivirus production by OriGene

  • Time saving and focus on scientific discovery with transduction-ready viral particles
  • Switch selection marker of fusion tag from standard lentiviral particle
  • Larger viral volume and high viral titer for difficult-to-transduce cells and in vivo animal studies
  • Largest collection of cDNA clones and shRNAs
  • Large selection of lentiviral vectors with different tags, selection markers and promotors.
  • More stable lentiviral particles because provided in lentiviral stabilizer solution
  • Ultra-high titer produced from ultracentrifigation
  • Safer, because of 3rd generation lentivirus

Please contact us and tell us about your project.

  • Lentiviral plasmid source: You want to shuttle an Origene clone into an Lenti vector, you provide a gene sequence, or you provide plasmid with insert
  • Which viral titer you prefer: 1x10^7 TU/ml, 1x10^8 TU/ml, 1x10^9 TU/ml, 1x10^10 TU/ml?
  • Which application; In vitro cell culture or In vivo animal studies?
  • Buffer for the lentivirus to be resuspended in: Opti-MEM (no serum), PBS, Lenti stabilizer buffer (cat. TR30039), HBSS, other?
  • The purification level Standard or Ultra-pure recommended for in vivo experiments; low levels of plasmids and other cellular debris.
  • Special instructions