Product description
LYNX Rapid Plus Biotin (Type 1) Antibody Conjugation Kit® enables the rapid conjugation of a pre-prepared lyophilized mixture containing Biotin label to an antibody or protein in minutes. Activation of proprietary reagents within the antibody-label solution results in the coupling of the antibody to Biotin.The LYNX Rapid Plus Conjugation kit® can be used to label small quantities of antibody/protein at near neutral pH, allowing a high conjugation efficiency with 100% antibody recovery and no requirement for desalting or dialysis.This kit has been optimized for the additional use of a streptavidin labelled reagent. For customers intending to capture their conjugate on Streptavidin coated plates, we recommend our LYNX Rapid Plus Biotin (Type 2) Antibody Conjugation Kit instead.
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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LYNX Rapid Plus Biotin (Type 1) Antibody Conjugation Kit


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LYNX Rapid Plus Biotin (Type 1) Antibody Conjugation Kit


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