Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry

We have a broad portfolio of Flow Cytometry products including antibodies, FLAER products, TransFix® tubes, Fix&Perm®, cell viability stain and flow cytometry standards.  The advantage of our portfolio of Flow Cytometry products is that we only have selected suppliers with many years of experience in this field and with high quality products. Another advantage is that we off er a broad segment of antibodies with many different reactivity and fluorochromes. In addition, we can provide a complete workflow so that you have a single point of contact.

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Sanbio has selected suppliers with a broad portfolio of qualitative Flow Cytometry products which complements each other. We guarantee the quality of these suppliers.

Bio-Rad is a global leader for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets with a broad range of innovative products. Bio-Rad has a wide range of flow cytometry reagents and more than 2500 flow cytometry-validated antibodies available for your cell sorting and cell-based assays.

EXBIO is a leading manufacturer of monoclonal antibodies and reagents for research and clinical applications with the focus on multi-color flow cytometry analysis of human cellular markers. With their experienced cytometry experts, EXBIO offers long-term validated antibody markers in the broad selection of fluorochrome conjugates.

For a total Flow Cytometry solution we have selected additional products which you may need for your research. Read about the recommended products suggested by our Application Specialist Flow Cytometry.

FLAER: Alexa Fluor®488 proaerolysin of Cedarlane
FLAER binds selectively to the cell surface GPI-anchored proteins, which means that only PNH cells, without the GPI anchor, will be negative. Since FLAER binds with high affinity, very small PNH populations can be detected.

Transfix® from Cytomark is intended for stabilizing human whole blood specimens for immune-phenotyping of white blood cells by FC. The advantages? Very easy to use (just add TransFix® and mix), it stabilizes cell surface antigens and prevents cellular degradation for up to 14 days.

FIX&PERM® Cell Fixation and Permeabilization of Nordic Mubio as it is a simple procedure making use of two reagents. Reagent A gently fixes cells, while Reagent B permeabilizes them.

Fluorescence Quantitation through Quantum™ MESF and Quantum™ Simply Cellular® beads of Bangs Laboratories. MESF and ABC values provide standardized units of fluorescence intensity and are labeled with the actual fluorochromes used in FC, ensuring that quantitative assignments are truly relevant.