Product description

Pancreatic stone protein (PSP), also known as lithostathine, and regenerating protein (REG1A). It is a secreted, type I subclass member of the regenerating protein family. Mature human PSP/REG1A shares 76% and 69% aa sequence identity with mouse and rat PSP/REG1A, respectively. PSP/REG1A is constitutively expressed by pancreatic acinar cells, and is also induced in proliferating cell types such as colonic epithelium, islet beta-cells, and multiple tumor types. The 16 kDa precursor of PSP/REG1A has been observed mainly in the pancreas and is transiently elevated in acute and chronic pancreatitis. PSP/REG1A has been found both in blood and pancreatic secretions. PSP/REG1A plays a role in blocking apoptosis, and is upregulated by both IL-22 and IL-6. Under healthy conditions PSP/REG1A is expressed at low levels in the pancreas. Upon focal or systemic inflammation, PSP/REG1A is strongly increased. PSP/REG1A is elevated in various conditions such as sepsis, ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation, and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). These observations indicated that PSP/REG1A might respond to infectious conditions and organ failure. The use of the PSP/REG1A as a biomarker has been confirmed the high diagnostic accuracy for sepsis. In addition, evidences obtained regarding PSP/REG1A and its isoforms on regeneration, growth and mitogenesis in gastrointestinal neoplastic diseases suggest that PSP/REG1A can be used as biomarker in the prediction of prognosis for neoplastic diseases.

OriGene Technologies Inc
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Human REG1 alpha (REG1A) ELISA KIT


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Human REG1 alpha (REG1A) ELISA KIT


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