Recombinant viral GRO-Beta produced in E.coli is a single,non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 70 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 7.9 kDa. The CXCL2 is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques. Viral MIP-2 is closely related to MIP-1alpha, show amino acid sequence similarity of about 41%. At the amino acid sequence level, Viral MIP-1 and Viral MIP-2 share 48% similarity. Viral MIP-1 and Viral MIP-2 are more closely linked to one another phylogenetically than to other human chemokines, signifying that they have gene duplication within the virus rather than by two independent gene aquisitions. Viral MIP-2 binds to the CCR3 chemokine receptor through which eotaxin and other ? chemokines activate eosinophils. Viral MIP-2 activates and chemoattract human eosinphils.