Product description
Lineage-specific cytokine affecting the proliferation and maturation of megakaryocytes from their committed progenitor cells. It acts at a late stage of megakaryocyte development. It may be the major physiological regulator of circulating platelets. ( Produced in E. coli. Recombinant murine TPO produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated soluble polypeptide chain containing 174 amino acids. Comprises the receptor binding domain of the Mpl-ligand protein. ED50 range is less than 0.8 ng/ml as determined by the dose dependent stimulation of Mo7e cells.
Biomol GmbH
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Room Temperature
Storage temperature

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Thrombopoietin, mouse recombinant (rmTPO)


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Thrombopoietin, mouse recombinant (rmTPO)


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