Product description

The antibody is highly specific for the intermediate filament protein vimentin which is present in all cells of mesenchymal origin. VIM 3B4 has turned out to be the most avid mab to vimentin. Polypeptide reacting: Mr 57 000 intermediate filament protein (vimentin) of mesenchymal cells. Tumors specifically detected: sarcoma (including myosarcoma), lymphoma, melanoma.The binding region of monoclonal antibody VIM3B4 has been characterized by Bohn et al.(1992). According to these authors, the epitope has been localized on the alpha-helical part of vimentin (rod domain coil 2). Due to an aa substitution at position of aa 353 in murine vimentin (that could explain for the weak cross-reaction of the antibody with murine vimentin) they were able to narrow down the binding region around position 353. These findings were confirmed by truncation mutagenesis experiments using human vimentin (Rogers et al., 1995). Tested cultured cell lines: fibroblasts (SV-80) Positive western blot control lysate available:SV80 western blot control, Cat. No. 64001 SV80 western blot control, large, Cat. No. 64001L Bohn W, Wiegers W, Beuttenmüller M, Traub P: Species-specific recognition patterns of monoclonal antibodies directed against vimentin. Exp Cell Res 201: 1-7 (1992).Rogers KR, Eckelt A, Nimmrich V, Janssen K-P, Schliwa M, Herrmann H, Franke WW: Truncation mutagenesis of the non-alpha-helical carboxyterminal tail domain of vimentin reveals contributions to cellular localization but not to filament assembly. Eur J Cell Biol 66: 136-150 (1995).

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anti-Vimentin mouse monoclonal, VIM 3B4, liquid, purified


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anti-Vimentin mouse monoclonal, VIM 3B4, liquid, purified


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