Useful for immunolocalization studies of capsid formation in combination with monoclonal antibody A20 (Cat.No. 61055/65155) and rabbit polyclonal antibody to AAV capsid proteins (Cat.No. 61084). B1 reacts with free VP1, VP2 and VP3 of adeno-associated virus (AAV) and at a very reduced degree with assembled capsids. VP1 and VP2 are highly enriched in the nucleus, while non-assembled VP3 is evenly distributed in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Epitope mapping experiments (Wobus, C. E. et al., 2000) identified aa726 to aa733 (common to all 3 VP proteins) as the specific binding region. The antibody is also useful for characterization of different stages of infection.
Wobus CA, Hügle-Dörr B, Girod A, Petersen G, Hallek M, Kleinschmidt JA: Monoclonal antibodies against the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) capsid: Epitope mapping and identification of capsid domains involved in AAV-2-cell interaction and neutralization of AAV-2 infection. J Virol 74, 9281-9293 (2000).