Product description

13(S)-HpOTrE is a monohydroperoxy polyunsaturated fatty acid produced in soybeans by the action of soybean LO-2 on esterified ?-linolenic acid.{1525} Incubation of soybean seedling biomembranes with soybean LO-2 catalyzes the formation of both 9- and 13-HpOTrE in a molar ratio of 10:1.{1525} In plants, 13(S)-HpOTrE can be metabolized by the hydroperoxide lyase pathway producing aldehyde and oxoacid fragments, or by the hydroperoxide dehydratase pathway producing jasmonic acid.{770,2009,1829} Treatment of tomato leaves with 13-HpOTrE causes induction of proteinase inhibitors, simulating the normal response to wounding.{5107} This data suggests that in plants 13(S)-HpOTrE may participate in a lipid-based signalling system initiated by insect and pathogen attack.

CAS number
Cayman Chemical
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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