This antibody recognizes TRAF3. Human TRAF3 is a member of the, TRAF (TNF Receptor Associated Factor) protein family, having an approximate molecular weight of 568 amino acid.TRAF3 is a CD40 binding protein that contains a RING finger DNA binding motif and Cys/His rich region and coiled COIL domain. Like TRAF1 (TNF Receptor Associated Factor-1) and TRAF2 (TNF Receptor Associated Factor-2), it contains a C-terminal TRAF domain and has an apparent molecular mass of 64 kDa.TRAF3 is involved in mediating the signal transduction of CD40, a TNFR family member important for the activation of the immune response. This protein is found to be a critical component of the, LtBetaR (Lymphotoxin-Beta Receptor) signaling complex, which induces NF-KappaB activation and cell death initiated by LT-Beta (Lymphotoxin-Beta) ligation.