Product description
Orexin A is a 33 amino acid hypothalamic neuropeptide with a role in appetite regulation, wakefulness, locomotor activity, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity, and pain thresholds.{17942} Orexin signaling is activated by nutrient depletion, causing an increase in food intake by delaying the signals of satiety.{6718} It activates the orexin-1 and -2 receptors with equal affinity (EC50s = 0.09 and 0.06 ?M, respectively).{24277}
CAS number
Cayman Chemical
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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Orexin A amide (bovine, human, mouse, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)


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Orexin A amide (bovine, human, mouse, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)


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